Raipur is the fastest growing city in Chhattisgarh state
Chhattisgarh is one of the fastest
developing states in India and Raipur is fastest growing city in Chhattisgarh.
Raipur is in the list of smart cities in India, so the capital city Raipur is
developing fast month by month many social events and programs are taking place
in city to educate and aware people. Chhattisgarh is among the few states which
successfully managed high levels of growth while keeping fiscal deficit below
3%.The present trend showcase the enormous potential development of
Chhattisgarh which will contribute to steadiness in the growing returns on
investments made in the state.
With the accessibility of mineral
resources in abundance, Chhattisgarh has developed as the perfect state for doing
business. The business opportunities in the state is flagging the way for
companies to establish their business in Chhattisgarh. Most of the people and
families are shifting their residence to Raipur because of employment
opportunities and various facilities. It give rise to need of more residential properties in Raipur. So the real estate investment is also rising in real estates in Raipur.
The development in month of august
2018 in Raipur is as follow-
Raipur have secured 7th positions in
the Ease of Living Index. Raipur have achieved 7th rank, it is the
safest city to live in the state of Chhattisgarh.
Smart city Raipur had installed
underground smart bins in 30 locations across Raipur. These bins were fitted
with sensors to monitor and control timely disposal of waste and have two
different chambers for collecting dry and wet waste
For making city Raipur pollution
free there are many environmentally friendly scheme launching in Raipur. There
is e-rickshaw for your daily commute. These rickshaws run on electric charge
and don’t spread pollution in environment and gives you comfortable ride also.
Raipur smart city got its public
reading spaces to fulfill everyone's taste. You can carry your own book or take
it from bookshelf, this will give you complete a wonderful experience to
Very soon, people of Raipur can
experience hassle free commute around Jaistambh Chowk without worrying about
proper space to park their vehicle.
Residence of Raipur soon be able to
pre-book parking space for their vehicles in upcoming 22 smart parking
locations using a mobile app.
Raipur smart city gets an
environment friendly gift of bicycle sharing point in its youth hub area. This
technique help people to avoid use of petrol and diesel vehicles for short distances.
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